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  • Writer's pictureShivuKey

Tips To Increase Facebook Organic Reach

Updated: Feb 12

Facebook pages for businesses have changed a lot over the years. With constant algorithm changes and fierce competition, social networking platforms make it harder for businesses and brands to organically reach their target audience.

It’s not uncommon for businesses to devise a social media marketing strategy only to see their post produce very little engagement and traffic. In today’s social media-obsessed world, Facebook organic reach is extremely difficult for anyone looking to boost their page without ads - The average Facebook post will reach just over 5 percent of your followers. That means roughly one in every 20 fans sees the page’s non-promoted content.

What’s the answer? That’s exactly what we’ll cover in this article.

The Difference Between Organic Reach And Paid Reach

Organic reach is the number of people who see your content without paid distribution. It includes people who are shown your posts in their own feed or because their friends have interacted with you. Paid reach includes the people who see your content as a result of paid promotions. It’s influenced by your Ad targeting options and can also impact organic reach.

The one element you need to fuel your online marketing strategy is traffic. Without traffic, great content and conversion funnels don’t matter.

There are two major reasons Facebook organic reach continues to drop:

1. More content: More content is being published than there is news feed space for it to be shown. Every minute, more than 510,000 comments and 293,000 statuses are posted on Facebook.

2. Personalized news feeds: Facebook provides the most relevant content to each user. To increase engagement and optimize user experience, content is tailored to each user’s individual interests.

According to Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook now prioritizes posts that spark “meaningful interactions” and posts from friends and family.

There are other detailed data points that come into play:

  • How recently the post was published.

  • How frequently the publisher posts content.

  • The number of likes, comments, and shares on the post.

  • How often the user has interacted with the page posting the update.

  • Past user interaction with the same post type.

  • Negative feedback on the post.

  • How useful the post is.

Share Interesting And Valuable Content

Facebook is based on interest, not intent. Not every update you send out on your Facebook page should be promotional. Rather, 80% of your updates should be social. Otherwise, users won’t hesitate in clicking the unlike button on your page (it’s just a click away).

Instead, use Facebook to build a community. Add value and start conversations with your audience.

It’s best to vary your posts to include different types of content:

  • Brand story posts

  • Authority building posts

  • Lead nurture posts

  • Personal posts

No Shortcuts

Don’t look for easy ways to cheat: buying 5,000 likes for $5, using clickbait headlines, bombarding your fans with 10 poor-quality updates in an hour. It’s a sheer waste of time and money.

Facebook seriously cracks down on spammers. Stick with the Facebook code and stay in their good graces. Not only that, these manipulative tactics add no real value to your business. In fact, they’re likely to hurt you.

Make Shareable Video Content

Videos may not be as easy to make as basic picture posts, but statistics show that they get more engagement and are shared more often. In fact, the average engagement rate on a video is 26% compared to the average engagement of all posts, which is 18%.

Videos aren’t just good for engagement - they’re also good for product education. Create organic videos to introduce people to your products and show their value. In fact, according to Facebook, 48% of users that took part in a survey claimed they bought a product after watching a video on Facebook.

Luckily, it’s easier than ever to make professional-looking videos to put on Facebook, even for people with no experience in the field.

If you want to learn more about making great video content on Facebook, take a look at this how-to guide on Facebook video ads. It includes step-by-step instructions so that you can get people consuming and interacting with your videos and boost your brand awareness and organic reach.

Respond Fast And Often

Get down in the comment sections of your posts. People are much more likely to engage if they know they may get a response from you.

Response time is of the essence here, too. After you post something, stick around and respond to your first few comments. This will increase the odds of you receiving more. It’s also a good opportunity to promote brand values and personality. If you spot abusive comments, address them right away so you can maintain a safe and inclusive space.

Responding to customers on social media pays off in the long run. Twitter research shows customers are willing to spend 3-20% more with brands that respond to their tweets. On the flipside, those who don’t get responses are less likely to recommend brands.

Collaborate And Tag

A good way to signal boost organic content is with tags.

Beyond partnering with an influencer, which technically qualifies as paid content, look for ways to collaborate with other accounts. That may include like-minded brands, creators, or even customers. Collabs and crossovers have the potential to spark early engagement and expose accounts to similar audiences.


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